Here is a Sukkot related top ten list courtesy of Enjoy! Also, if you're a senior come to the mojito night in the Hillel Sukkah sponsored by JSU and Hillel. Should be a great time. Keep an eye out for the exciting social justice Sukkah night this Monday. We'll let you know more about it over the course of the weekend.
Top Ten Lulav/Esrog Shaking Techniques10. The Sarah Palin Shake - no experience necessary. Just look good and wink a lot while shaking.
9. The Tzippi Livni Shake - Kadima! Kadima! Kadima!
8. The Ahmadinejad Shake - gather all the parts to shake (esrog, lulav, hadasim, aravot), threaten to shake, then insist it's not for shaking at all
7. The Philadelphia Phillies Shake - take lulav and hit your esrog over the mechitza.
6. The Wall Street Shake - completely drop your esrog, break its pitom and everyone else's, then beg for new ones, ideally from the communal building fund
5. The Obama Shake - shake it towards the left, and then bring it towards the right, if anyone in the audience is pro-Israel
3. The McCain Shake - shake it towards the right, but bring it hard left if anyone mentions Bush
2. The Joe Biden Shake - do whatever, no one seems to care.
1. The Dow Shake - Shake up and down, then down again, then down a whole lot more. The key is to make sure no one has any clue which way you'll shake next.