Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Passover at Hillel

Passover begins Wednesday night and Hillel has lots of options for Seders and meals for the holiday. Registration is closed for Seders, however, there is room for some walk-ins. So if you haven't figured out what you're doing yet on Wednesday or Thursday, come by Hillel at 7 pm (or even a little earlier) to get one of the few extra seats available. See our facebook event page for details on the Seder options at
Kosher for Pesach meals will be served at Hillel the whole week of Passover starting Thursday 4/9 for lunch and ending with dinner on Wednesday 4/15. Lunch is everyday from 11-1 and dinner is everyday from 6-8. Reserve ahead of time with Bon Appetit at . The cost of lunch is $10 and dinner is $13, and YOU CAN PAY WITH MEAL POINTS! Visit our website for full menus at If you have class during lunch, call Hillel and we will be happy to box up a meal for you that you can come pick up after class. Call us at 314-935-9040.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Find a Job, get connected
Good luck!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
"Hebrew Mamita"
Monday, March 2, 2009
It is time for.... JSU ELECTIONS!!
If you are interested in running, please send a letter of intent to ""-- it's just a simply stated I AM RUNNING FOR THIS POSITION message. Please send that by this Friday so we can organize how elections will run. You can also run off the floor. Elections are currently scheduled for WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18TH AT 9PM IN DUC ROOM 233. For elections, just prepare a short speech explaining why you are interested in running, any great ideas you have, your qualifications, and how you will contribute to the JSU board. It's really low-key, so no need for nerves!
Positions on the JSU Board: President, Vice President for Social Justice Programming, Vice President for Religious Programming, Vice President for Cultural/Educational Programming (THATS ME!!), Vice President for Social Programming, Public Relations Coordinator, and Treasurer.
Come run for a position on JSU!! Come vote to elect next year's student leadership representing YOUR jewish community at WashU.
AS ALWAYS-- i'm happy to answer any questions you may have about JSU. email me directly at or our general address at
good luck this week! have a fun and safe spring break!
Friday, February 20, 2009
An Evening with Anita Diamant: Author of The Red Tent

Tuesday, February 24th
7:30 pm
Graham Chapel
Come hear the best-selling author Anita Diamant speak on the Wash U campus this coming Tuesday! She will talk about her novel The Red Tent and discuss Judaism and Feminism. A private reception will take place afterwards in the DUC formal lounge and Ms. Diamant will be signing books.
Contact if you have any questions. Check out the facebook event for more details:
Friday, February 13, 2009
Old Jews Telling Jokes
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Israel Elects...Someone
Friday, February 6, 2009
Thursday 5th February: Tony Blair today issued a call to action to encourage people of faith around the world to act together to show the power of "a million good deeds done every day" in the name of religion.
"For billions of people, faith motivates, galvanises, compels and inspires, not to exclude to embrace; not to provoke conflict but to try to do good. This is faith in action," he said, speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC. "You can see it in the arousing of the world's conscience to the plight of Africa, a cause we in positions of political power tried to answer, but which was driven by people of faith."
The Tony Blair Faith Foundation today stepped up its campaign to raise funds and eliminate millions of unnecessary deaths from malaria – giving people a practical way of demonstrating how faith can heal rather than divide the world. Faiths Act Together (, is a locally driven campaign urging faith-based activity around its "Story of a Bed Net" film to encourage shared ideas, discussion and actions to tackle deaths from malaria.
Tony Blair said:
"A million deaths a year from malaria is wholly preventable. We want 2009 to be the year that people of faith become the change makers against malaria and take direct action to tackle this preventable disease.
"We have already received hundreds of requests from people around the world asking how to get involved and what action they can take. We all know the problems associated with conflict between religions but there is another, more positive story too."
Faiths Act Together events are not meant to be prescriptive and all action aimed at raising awareness and funds is encouraged by the Foundation. There are toolkits and a freely downloadable film The Story of a Bed Net available, which have already helped volunteers in 27 countries to organise community events and raise thousands of pounds for bed nets.
Up to 500 million people suffer from malaria and up to one million people die unnecessarily from the disease annually. In Africa, malaria kills one child every 30 seconds. Faith Acts Together aims to work with partners worldwide to raise enough money to eradicate deaths from the disease - just one £5 or $10 insecticide-treated bed net can protect an entire household.
The Foundation would like to encourage all those interested to get involved and share their ideas, experiences and events via the website by emailing faithsact@
For more information go to our new website
Thursday, February 5, 2009
JSU blog featured on
JSUniverse is now permanently featured on the College Page:
See here: - you guys are the top.
I would like a better picture than the JSU logo though. Someone must have a group shot or some other picture of JSU. Any ideas, send to me -
One of the blogs featured on jewishinstlouis, Yoni Sarason's St. Lou Jew has recently been named one of StL's top 30 blogs and receives close to 20% of his traffic from
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Underpass Painting!

Good News! We will be painting the underpass (actually it's the sphere to be a bit more specific) tonight around 8 PM! We're painting to advertise for the Northwoods concert this Saturday night! Since I'm usually banned from touching any paint due to my lack of artistic competency, I usually am the one who runs and gets food/drink for everyone involved. I usually buy ice cream sandwiches but considering it's 17 degrees outside right now I think I'm gonna get hot chocolate. Thus, stop by for free hot chocolate and help paint the sphere! It's really fun (I promise)!.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Challah For Hunger in Studlife!

Click here to see a really great audio slideshow about Challah For Hunger through stud life online. Some really awesome pictures and great commentary from the people who have been baking and selling challah this semester! Also, yesterday 80 loaves of Challah were sold in about two hours! Great job guys!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Want to go green?
Monday, January 26, 2009
CNN: Pope outrages Jews over Holocaust denier
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Jewish Life and Leadership Event--This Thursday 7 PM Friedman Lounge
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Shabbat Rocks!

On Friday, January 23rd at 6:00pm, St. Louis Hillel will be hosting a "Shabbat Rocks" musical service. The service is multi-denominational, and designed to combine music from different traditions in Judaism to create a unique Shabbat experience. Through voice, guitar, and percussion, we hope that this interactive service will bring people together so that we can pray as one Jewish community through song. The service is open to anyone who would like to attend, both in the Washington University and the wider St. Louis Jewish community. No musical experience is necessary, just a love of Jewish music and a desire to pray as a community. We are excited to see you there!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Israel in the New York Times
Stand With Israel Shabbat Dinner
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The Life and World of One of Civilization’s Greatest Minds
and Adam Kirsch's Benjamin Disraeli focus on chronicling the life and times of these two famous Jewish men. Both Maimonides and Benjamin Disraeli held prominent positions the government of countries with a minority Jewish population. Pretty interesting stuff. Enjoy!