Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Count down to Move-in Day

For all you freshmen out there, move-in day is upon us! Just want to give you all a heads up as to where you can find JSU and Hillel people on the South 40 on Thursday. We will be in the campus ministries tent  from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. amongst the rest of the groups tabling by the clock tower. We'll have bagels and cream cheese from 8:30-12, so stop by and say hello and eat a free breakfast. There will also be staff and students in the Wohl Center ready to answer any questions you may have. And finally, there will be over 20 CDF's (Community Development Fellows, otherwise known as the amazing group that organizes the Into the Wild retreat) all over the 40. You'll be able to spot them by the awesome "Wash Jew" shirts they'll all be wearing. Plus, they're going to have popsicles, which you're definitely going to want if it's anything like last year's move in day (110 degrees, need I say more?).

We are all sooo excited to meet the class of 2012. We hope to see you on Thursday and again on Friday at the Shabbat dinner at Hillel at 6 p.m.

Have a safe trip to St. Louis!!!! See you soon........

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