Tuesday, November 25, 2008
College page, and Rahm-en noodles
Also, this is hilar- check out the first video, the one about Rahm: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/11/23/snl-rahm-emanuel-bill-cli_n_145798.html
Thanks for reading :)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Where: St. Louis Hillel, 6300 Forsyth
When: Friday, 11/21, 5:45 pm services, 7 pm dinner
No RSVP necessary!
Join students from various religious groups on campus for an evening of meaningful conversation and delicious food. There will be service options: Reform, Conservative, Traditional and a learner's service starting at 5:45 pm. Dinner will begin at 7 pm and it's FREE. An interfaith menu will be served including: matzoh ball soup, briscuit, veggies, potato knishes, jello salad, and rugelach!
After dinner stay and hear special guest speaker, Karen Aoresty, the Executive Director of the St. Louis Anti-Defamation League.
WSI Film Night!

Thursday November 20th, at 7pm: WSI is having FILM NIGHT in Ursa's!!
WSI is showing the film "Beaufort" There will be light refreshments and an optional post-film discussion. About the film. Director Joseph Cedar subtly combines the various genres of suspense, dark comedy, and horror to produce a powerful film depicting the Israeli withdrawal from Beaufort, an ancient Crusader stronghold. In this harrowing and emotional tale of military bravery and humility, we see the soldiers struggle with the daunting task of destroying the base they've spent so long defending, while also hopefully planning for their futures. In Hebrew with English subtitles.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
FROM ROSS ZEITLIN- last minute event tomorrow!!
Hey everyone!
I hope you've all been well! I just received last minute word that
today's Assembly Series speaker, Daniel Mendelsohn (writer for The New
York Times, The New Yorker, professor at Bard College), will be
grabbing coffee and having an informal discussion tomorrow, Thursday
the 13th, in Holmes Lounge at 10 a.m.
For those who couldn't make it today, the lecture focused on his quest
to unearth the stories of his family members who perished during World
War II, which he discussed in his 2006 best-selling memoir, "The Lost:
A Search for Six of Six Million."
Mendelsohn's other works include "The Elusive Embrace: Desire and the
Riddle of Identity," "Gender and The City in Euripide's Political
Plays" and a collection of essays on literature and the arts, "How
Beautiful It Is and How Easily it Can Be Broken," which was published
If you can make it at 10 am, tomorrow (Thursday November 13th) in
Holmes Lounge, then I'll see you there!
All the best,
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Obama's Chief of Staff

So there have been a bunch of stories this past week about President-Elect Obama naming Rahm Emanuel to be his chief of staff. As you may already know, Emanuel has close ties to the Jewish community and to Jewish causes. His father is Israeli and he sends his kids to a Jewish Day School in Chicago. A truly interesting article can be read here.
Friday, November 7, 2008
JNF trip to Israel. Word
For more info: http://www.jewishinstlouis.org/page.aspx?id=187721
Thursday, November 6, 2008
New Orleans Shabbat at Hillel November 7th

Come enjoy some kosher jambalaya while hearing from Hillel's Hurricane Katrina Spring Break trip alums. Listen to their stories, ask them some questions and celebrate Shabbat with your friends. After dinner there will be a brief info session to find out more details about the trip.
Since January 2006, Hillel has brought close to 2500 students to do hands-on work in the Gulf Coast. Spend your break rebuilding homes, learning about the history of Hurricane Katrina, and bearing witness to the revitalization of a city.
You can still come even if you didn't make reservations with Bon Appetit. We ordered lots of food! And there is a very special dessert in honor of the theme....beignets and king cake!!!!
Services begin at 5:45 pm and dinner is at 7 pm.
Want more info? Contact Jessica at jessica@stlouishillel.org or 314-935-9043.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Challah 4 Hunger!

For those of you at the Rhythms For Rebuilding Concert last night (congrats to all the awesome performers!) you heard me mention the new Challah For Hunger Initiative we're starting on campus. Challah For Hunger was started in several years ago in order to raise money for Hazon, an organization dedicated to fighting world hunger. With C4H, students will be baking loaves of Challah to sell on campus to students. The proceeds will be donated to Hazon. If you're at all interested in baking, selling or helping out in any way with C4H please let us know! We're still working out some of the details but we hope to be selling Challah on campus soon!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A little thursday afternoon soccer....
Check out this video: Arsenal v Tottenham
Second Screening: Praying in Her Own Voice
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I'm PJ. I graduated from Wash U last year, and now I work for the Jewish Federation in St. Louis.
I wanted to let everyone know that jewishinstlouis.org is an excellent resource for anything Jewish in St. Louis: Events, News, Israel, Food, Singles' stuff, College stuff, Jobs...it's all there. Plus I write for them, so you know it's pretty sweet.
We're also on facebook. I update it like a machine, so check it out at anytime.
Please contact me:
Great job so far JSU! Keep up the good work.
Thank you for reading!
PJ Edelman
PS, see JSU on jewishinstlouis!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Dance Marathon 2008!
Dance Marathon 2008 was amazing!! Thanks to our great, wonderful, enthusiastic team captains, Avi Rose and Ariela Shmidt! It could not possibly have been as much fun as it was without your SPIRIT! I am posting a two snapshots of the JSU teams... but i know we took some great pictures-- so please put them up if you have!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Screening of "Praying in Her Own Voice" Monday at 8 pm
Thursday, October 23, 2008
A New Holiday!

So now that the seemingly endless stream of Jewish holidays are over for a bit, it seems appropriate to bring to light the possibility of a new Jewish holiday. In fact, the new holiday was proposed only a few miles away by a group of 6th graders over at Parkway West Middle School. The notion of "Hit a Jew Day" has angered parents and administrators alike. Tip of the cap to PJ for this one....
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
JSU and Dance Marathon

Per tradition, JSU plans to have a strong (dominant?) presence at this weekend's Dance Marathon. In fact, JSU has two teams participating in Dance Marathon, JSU1 and JSU2 (morale captained by Avi Rose and Ariela Schmidt respectively). Visiting hours are from 4 PM until 2 AM starting this Saturday afternoon and everyone is encouraged to come visit! It really is an extraordinary event so if you're not participating we definitely recommend you stop by to check it out!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
New Sorority on Campus

So Greek Life is looking to add a new sorority on campus. Read below about this cool new opportunity to help choose what sorority it will be.
As many of you know, the University if looking to have a new sorority on our campus. To this end, prospective sororities will be here today(10/21/08 - Steinberg Hall), Wednesday (10/22/2008 - Whitaker Hall), and next Tuesday (10/28/08 - Steinberg Hall) to make presentations to the University and we need student feedback. Greek life would like 25 representatives from the Student Body to view these presentations and evaluate the sororities. If you are available this evening from 7:00-8:30, Wednesday from 7-8:30, or next Tuesday from 8-9:30 please respond to this email ASAP. We appreciate students taking time to participate in a decision that will change our campus significantly. Please pass this along to your group members and if you can send a name or two that is willing to go.
Yewande Alimi
Student Union Vice President of Finance
Washington University in St. Louis
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Last Sukkot Event! Tomorrow Night!

Everyone should come to Smuckers in the Sukkah (tip of the cap to D. Schwartz)! We'll be making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the South 40 Sukkah from 6-8 PM to ultimately donate to a local shelter. There will also be information and materials related to homelessness and poverty. Please join us for this special social justice event!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
New Einsten Book

A new biography on Albert Einstein takes the unusual angle of questioning his mathematical calculations in his string of early 20th century experiments and discoveries. Hans C. Ohanian's Einstein's Mistakes: The Human Failings of Genius brings Einstein down to a human level while still proclaiming his discoveries as revolutionary. A review from the LA Times can be read here.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sukkot Top Ten
Top Ten Lulav/Esrog Shaking Techniques
10. The Sarah Palin Shake - no experience necessary. Just look good and wink a lot while shaking.
9. The Tzippi Livni Shake - Kadima! Kadima! Kadima!
8. The Ahmadinejad Shake - gather all the parts to shake (esrog, lulav, hadasim, aravot), threaten to shake, then insist it's not for shaking at all
7. The Philadelphia Phillies Shake - take lulav and hit your esrog over the mechitza.
6. The Wall Street Shake - completely drop your esrog, break its pitom and everyone else's, then beg for new ones, ideally from the communal building fund
5. The Obama Shake - shake it towards the left, and then bring it towards the right, if anyone in the audience is pro-Israel
3. The McCain Shake - shake it towards the right, but bring it hard left if anyone mentions Bush
2. The Joe Biden Shake - do whatever, no one seems to care.
1. The Dow Shake - Shake up and down, then down again, then down a whole lot more. The key is to make sure no one has any clue which way you'll shake next.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Senior Mojito Night

Hello fellow seniors! Tomorrow night we will be having our second senior program of the year. At 8:30 PM in the Hillel Sukkah JSU and Hillel will be offering Mojitos! A mojito is a delicious and refreshing drink of Cuban origin. Please come out and celebrate the beginning of fall break with mojitos in the sukkah!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sarah Silverman Video
Monday, October 13, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Rosh Hashanah is next week
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
YESS! Interesting Article!
A friend of mine sent me this article because he knows how badly I want to live on a Kibbutz. I tried convince my family but they said the nearest one was just TOO FAR. Well-- BROOKLYN isn't very far from Roslyn, New York... is it??
VP Cultural/Educational Programming
Israel's Urban Kibbutz Movement Has Arrived in New York. Will It Survive?
To start a kibbutz in New York City is to face a multitude of small challenges.Imagine, for instance, trying to explain to a banker at Bank of America that you want to open a joint checking account with five other people. This was the situation that Jamie Beran and five fellow alumni of the Zionist youth movement Habonim Dror found themselves in this summer, as they worked together to set up one of the first of a new breed of urban kibbutzim in the United States. The banker, says Beran, “could not comprehend why we wanted to do this,” insisting that there were rules limiting the number of people on a single checking account. There weren’t, and before long the newly minted kibbutzniks were issued a stack of Ben & Jerry-themed checks with all six of their names at the top.Most groups of roommates share communal expenses to some extent, chipping in on toilet paper and light bulbs. These young Habonim Dror alumni have taken it a step further. They are among a few groups that are working to translate the new Israeli urban kibbutz movement to an American context. Geared towards recent college graduates, these urban kibbutzim trace their ideological heritage to the Israeli communal farms while replacing the kibbutz’s traditional focus on the land with a focus on social action...
For full article as featured in "New Voices" magazine:
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
What's going on this week on campus
Friday, September 5, 2008
Into The Wild--The Freshman Perspective
After spending just over a week on campus, I jumped at the opportunity to head "Into the Wild." The overnight at Camp Wyman, about forty minutes away from Wash U, served as an excellent opportunity to meet other Jewish students who I had seen around campus but had never formally met. From the moment we arrived at the camp, the Community Development Fellows, a select group of upperclassman, facilitiated a number of icebreakers from fingerpainting with pudding to boundary breakers. Of course, since this was a Jewish event, we played the best icebreaker ever, Jewish geography. I still cannot believe how many mutual friends I share with other students from across the country. In just one day, I forged connections with other Jewish students that I am sure will continue to grow throughout my four years here at Wash U. I now look forward to partaking in the numerous Jewish student events to come over the next few months.
--Josh Eidelman
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Into the Wild 2008
Whatsup Whatsup,
Here are some pictures of this past weekend's unbelievably amazing Into th Wild Retreat. We'll have an update with more specifics from a freshman who went on ITW in the near future. For now though, enjoy the pictures! Also, we have some exciting things coming up tomorrow. From 4:30 until 6:30 the JSU Executive Board will be at the Activities Fair in the AC. Stop by to say hello and learn about how to get involved on campus. Also, we will be having our first open JSU meeting tomorrow night at 9:00 PM in the DUC, room 233. It's going to be super exciting as we will be talking about our plans for the upcoming year. Let us know if you have any questions. Have a great week!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Thank you to everyone for coming to the JSU BBQ yesterday on the swamp. It was definitely an enormous success. Here are a few pictures I took--my apologies for some of the pictures that seem a bit hazy. The smoke from the grills was at times overpowering. I also tossed in a picture of my brother and my dog. Luckily, my dog's cuteness outweighs my brother's hideous beard that he decided to grow over the summer. Thanks again to everyone from stopping by!